Monday, February 12, 2024
The Kiester City council held a regular meeting on Monday, February 12, 2024, at the Kiester Community Center.
Acting Mayor Larry Dahleen called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Council Members Present: Kurt Grobe, Brandon Hagenson, Jason Kluender. City Maintenance: Gary Skartland; City Clerk: Doris Troll; Members of the public: Marcia Dahleen, Vickie Savick, Katina Thrond, Carol Rinehart, Diana Adams.
Agenda: Motion to accept agenda, by Brandon Hagenson, seconded by Jason Kluender, vote 4-0 motion carried.
Council minutes: Motion to accept the January 8, 2024, minutes by Kurt Grobe seconded by Brandon Hagenson, vote 4-0 motion carried.
Claims: Motion by Brandon Hagenson, seconded by Jason Kluender approving claims totaling $98,990.79. vote 4-0, motion carried.
Financials: Motion by Larry Dahleen, seconded by Brandon Hagenson, approving financials as presented, Vote 4-0, motion carried
Past Due Water Billing: Motion to shut off on 2-26-24 if not paid by Brandon Hagenson, seconded by Jason Kluender, vote 4-0, motion carried.
Building Permits: motion by Kurt Grobe seconded by Larry Dahleen to approve a permit for R. Oldfather, vote 4-0. Motion carried.
Ambulance: the ambulance has requested to move $ 25,000.00 into a CD. The Clerk read resolution 2024-02 to move monies into a CD. Motion by Larry Dahleen seconded by Brandon Hagenson, vote 4-0. Motion carried.
Fire Department: none
Library: January numbers were 74 adults with no kids. The winner of the Book in January was Judy Johnson. The adult book reading will go until March. Everyone entered the reading program will be entered into a drawing for a quilt that is donated by The Material Girls, Quilters Cottage and Marcia and Larry Dahleen. We have had Valentine’s valentine cards donated by Crystal Holloman that are for the taking. The Quilting group will host a quilting event at the library, lead by Marcia Dahleen. For Easter will hold a ham drawing. At this time, we are looking for donations for the hams. We will also have to guess the amount of jellybeans in the jar contest. Cathy Van Hove has donated her book “I’m Packing Insulin” A Journey of Living with Type 1 diabetes. She will also speak about her book on April Thursday 25th at 6:00pm.
Liquor Store: They are gearing up for the Valentines Day Specials at the Liquor store. Carol would like to have a meeting with the Liquor Store Committee. The note for the liquor store not expired in 2023. What would the council like to do with it, extend it or eliminate it? After a brief discussion, Larry Dahleen moved to extend the note for another 5 years Seconded by Brandon Hagenson, Vote 4-0. Motion carried..
Eda: The Kiester market came and was granted to not pay rent in February. We are also exploring the possibility of having putting a campground out on the old football field.
Retail Center: We have a proposal from a potential buyer for the Retail Center. The laws state that we have to declare it as an excess property that is not being used for city business. Then we would have to have a public hearing before a meeting to accept the proposal from the interested party. Resolution 2024-05 Declaring certain city property as surplus property and authorizing a sale. After a discussion, what it would cost the city to update the coolers and lights and roof? A motion to declare the Retail center excess property was made by Brandon Hagenson Seconded by Jason Kluender, vote 4-0. Motion carried.
There was motion to hold a public hearing on Saturday 2-17-2024 at 9 am at the firehall/community center
By Brandon Hagenson seconded by Jason Kluender, vote 4-0. Motion Carried.
Public Comment: None
Maintenance: City Hall and the Ambulance garage all repainted and carpeted. I added a partial door to the basement at city hall. Gary will start taking Wastewater Samples.
Clerk Update: The auditors will be here on Monday the 19th, so I will work on getting the information that they need ready for them. I will attend the annual clerks conference from March 18 to 22.
Bids were opened for the road project. 8 companies looked at them 4 submitted proposals. With Ulland coming in under what Bolten & Menk had as a projected cost, in which they added 10%. Now the USDA has 60 days to approve the bid. When that is done the next step for us will be to secure bonding. As we have to pay for everything up front then, at the end, the USDA will reimburse the city to pay off the bond.
The clerk also presented Resolution 2024-03 for election judges for the Presidential Primary and the Primary and General elections this fall. This resolution also gives the clerk the power to appoint others than those we have listed in the resolution. Which the list currently comprises Mary Aske, Vicke Savic, Shannon Savick, Sylvia Halverson, Karen Busch, Gloria Pederson, a motion to accept resolution 2024-03 by Jason Kluender seconded by Larry Dahleen, vote 4-0. Motion carried.
Acting Mayor Update: He was going to talk about the Infrastructure bids, however the clerk did.
Motion to adjourn made by Jason Kluender and seconded by Kurt Grobe. Vote 5-0, motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted by
Doris M Troll
City Clerk/ Treasurer