Monday, May 22, 2023

The Kiester City council held a regular meeting on Monday, May 22, 2023, at the Kiester Community Center.

Mayor Doug Trytten called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Council Members Present: Hope Bauman, Jason Kluender, Brandon Hagenson, Larry Dahleen was absent.
City Staff: City Clerk: Doris Troll was present Public, Jacob Trytten, Judy Goggin, Vickie Savick, Rich Goggin, Shane Steinke, Alan Bauman, Diana Adams, Carol Rinehart, Katina Thrond, and Chris Adams

Agenda: Motion to accept agenda. Hope Bauman, seconded by Jason Kluender, 4-0 motion carried.

Approval of Minutes: Motion to approve with corrections by Brandon Hagenson Seconded by Jason Kluender Vote 4-0, motion carried.

Claims: Motion by Hope Bauman, seconded by Jason Kluender, approving claims totaling $29069.31 Vote of 4-0 motion carried.

Kiester Days: Shane was present from Bermas’s requesting for Friday June 23, 2023 to use the picnic tables and to have the street blocked off for a street dance. As well as to have main street blocked off on Saturday June 24, 2023. For a Bean Bag Tournament. Motion By Hope Bauman Seconded by Jason Kluender to approve. Vote 4-0, motion carried.

Kiester Legion: Chris Adams was present to request to have the street blocked off on Saturday June 24, 2023, for a street dance. Motion by Brandon Hagenson seconded by Jason Kluender, Vote 4-0, motion carried.

Ambulance: Hope asked to see the invoices for the people that have not passed or completed the Ambulance training. She was told to come to see them in the clerk’s office. They were being billed out every month. Only one had made payments to repay us. One was in training and did not complete the class before she paid the city back, intending to take it again. I had sent David the copies of the agreements that they signed. He emailed me and asked for the address of the people that we needed payment from. Doris will send June’s invoices out like she has been doing. Motion to accept the ambulance report by Brandon Hagenson Seconded by Jason Kluender, Vote 3-0, Motion carried.

Fire Department: None

Library: None

EDA: The clerk had one sealed bid for the lot. It was for $2756.00 from Martin Korn and Zak Korn, with the intent to build a building with insulation and concrete. Motion to accept the bid with the stipulation that the timeline doesn’t start until the tank and the well has been pulled out. By Jason Kluender seconded by Brandon Hagenson. Gary has a call in on the tank as the gentleman he is talking with is out until tomorrow.
Morrison well has to come and pull the well the yet. Al stated that The Korn’s are going to like to have water at the site. Al also stated that they would need a building permit and they would like to see drawings or plans for the building. The clerk will contact the lawyer for the purchase agreement and will email it to Al when received.
Motion to have the clerk contact the attorney to get the paperwork going. Motion by Brandon Hagenson Seconded by Jason Kluender, Vote 4-0, motion carried.

Liquor Store: nothing other than going to summer hours of 11a to 8 pm Monday to Thursday and Friday Noon to 9pm and Saturday 11 am to 9 pm. Motion to accept the report by Jason Kluender Seconded by Brandon Hagenson, Vote 3-0. Motion Carried.

Public Comment: None

Maintenance report: Doug gave Gary’s report. He had flushed hydrants. Mowing is going on. He asked Doris if she knew of anything else. There were residents that were having sink hole issues.

Clerk Update: There are two building permits for R Stoneman and M Gurung, Motion by Jason Kluender seconded by Hope Bauman to approve. Vote 4-0.

Mayor Update: Doug had asked Doris if The CARES act money could help with the cat issue. Doris was unsure and would make inquiries. Bruce, Gary and Doug had a conversation and for now they would store the strays out on the old building at the old football field. Doug also asked if the city would be willing to purchase 3 to 4 kennels and 1 to 2 live traps. Doug also asked the council that he was approached by a group to see if they council could put money in the budget for flowers around town. They made the statements they could ask the Legion for money, or to ask Thrivent or the Albert Lea Seed House. Motion to accept the mayor’s report by Brandon Hagenson Seconded by Hope Bauman, vote 4-0, motion carried.

Motion to adjourn made by Jason Kluender seconded by Brandon Hagenson Vote 4-0, motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted by
Doris M Troll
City Clerk/ Treasurer