Saturday, February 17, 2024
The Kiester City council held a special meeting on Saturday, February 17, 2024, at the Kiester Community Center.
Mayor Hope Bauman called the meeting to order at 9:00 pm. Council Members Present: Larry Dahleen Brandon Hagenson, Jason Kluender. City Maintenance: Gary Skartland; City Clerk: Doris Troll; Members of the public: Marcia Dahleen, Randy Eschrich, Paul Martin, Randy Kofstad, Jeanette Parriott, Judy Meyer, Jan Fure, Doris Gutt, Phil Gutt, Curits Kron, Sheryl Engelby, Ruby Alphs, Tammy Aadsen, Al Bauman, Jill Skartland, Connie Peterson..
Agenda: Motion to accept agenda, by Brandon Hagenson, seconded by Jason Kluender, vote 4-0 motion carried.
Mayor Bauman had the clerk read what a public hearing is: A Public hearing is a meeting that is held where members of the public can express their options regarding a particular issue. The council is there to regulate the hearing and make sure that people who want to speak get the opportunity to do so. The council does not deliberate or discuss matters during the public hearing portion of the meeting: instead, it listens to the public. Once the public comment period is finished, the council will often end the meeting.
One resident asked what we were here for? He was told for the retail center.
He asked where the notices were. He was informed hanging around town, on the website and in the paper and on the city Facebook page.
One person stood up and stated that the buyer wants to keep everything as is in the retail center and to help Kiester thrive. And they will live up to their words.
One resident stood up and said selling the retail center would be a really good thing for the city and the residents. There is so much gossip going around that is not true. The grocery store is not owned by the city. It is a group of stockholders. And wants to stay open for as long as it can be. The Kiester market pays rent to the city.
Someone asked if we already have a buyer. Yes, there is an interesting party in the building.
There was a motion to end the public hearing by Brandon Hagenson, seconded by Jason Kluender.
The council then moved into the Special meeting to review and discuss the purchase agreement and to answer questions. Mayor Bauman states honestly the city will not get this type of offer again. That the buyer has a vision that other businesses want to come to Kiester. She also commended the Kiester EDA about the fact they have the front office at city hall rented out again. The EDA put together a flyer and gave it to the tenant, who then found out about the offerings of the city. Larry has done countless hours of getting numbers together and answering questions. Brandon Hagenson stated. That we feel we are selling this to someone who will not come in and gut the building and just let it sit there.
Larry gave a rundown of the number that it would take to upgrade the market portion with LED lights, new coolers, a dropped ceiling, a new roof and new heating unit and air conditioners. The cost he came up with is roughly $ 155,000.00. this does not include the property taxes that we pay for the current heat and electrical bills that city pays on a monthly basis as well. We do get rent from all three of the tenants. However, the Market Group cannot pay more of their share because of the shortfall they have with sales. Therefore, your tax dollars have to go to help with those expenses..
A resident asked if the new owner was going to leave the current tenants in the building”? Yes, they are planning on it. The Grocery store is a private business and not owned by the city. The building is what the city owns.
There was a motion to accept to consider the purchase agreement made by Brandon Hagenson Seconded by Jason Kluender, Vote 4-0.Motion carried.
A Motion to adjourn was made by Jason Kluender seconded by Hope Bauman. Vote 4-0, motion carried.
After the meeting adjourned the interested party came forward and introduced herself ( Connie Peterson, the owner of the Quilt Shop) to the public that was at the meeting. And stated the she wants nothing but the best for Kiester.
Respectfully Submitted by
Doris M Troll
City Clerk/ Treasurer