Monday, September 9, 2024
The Kiester City council held a regular meeting on Monday, September 9, 2024, at the Kiester Community Center.
Mayor Hope Bauman called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Council Members Present: Larry Dahleen, Kurt Grobe, Brandon Hagenson, Jason Kluender. City Maintenance: Gary Skartland; City Clerk: Doris Troll; Members of the public: Marcia Dahleen, Fred Brooks, Al Bauman, Jerry Alphs, Jim Schroeder, Diana Adams, Carol Rineheart.
Agenda: Motion to accept agenda with the addition of the Kiester Legion and a closed session by Jason Kluender seconded Kurt Grobe by vote 5-0 motion carried.
Council minutes: motion to approve 8-12-2024 meeting minutes by Brandon Hagenson, seconded by Jason Kluender, vote 4-0. Motion carried.
Claims: Motion to approve claims totaling $411,653.30 by Larry Dahleen seconded by Kurt Grobe vote 5-0, motion carried.
Financials: Motion to approve financials by Hope Bauman, seconded by Larry Dahleen. Vote 5-0, motion carried.
Past Due Water Billing: Motion to shut off on 9-26-2024 if not paid, by Brandon Hagenson, seconded by Jason Kluender, vote 5-0, motion carried.
Building Permits: Presented permits for D Willaby, A Steinke/ Forever Berma’s. Motion by Brandon Hagenson Seconded by Kurt Grobe to approve. Vote 5-0, Motion carried.
Kiester Legion: Diana Adams was present to request the road by the legion be closed off on Saturday 9-14 for a bag tourney. Motion by Hope Bauman seconded by Brandon Hagenson, motion carried.
Ambulance: the shower is installed in the ambulance garage. Hope also would like the public to know that we are need of volunteers to be on the squad. If Wells has to cover for us, that is another 20 minutes that residents will have to wait for the ambulance to come to their aid.
Fire Department: Jim Schroader and Jerry Alphs were present to discuss the purchase of a new Fire truck.
Thery are looking at 2 different ones. They will use most of their CD’s however they still may come up short. There was a discussion about how to come up with the difference. The council made no decisions on this. They will bring more information back to the council after they go look at them. There was also a resolution 2024-12 to move $ 20,000.00 into a Cd. Motion to purchase a CD by Jason Kluender seconded by Hope Bauman. Vote 5-0, motion carried.
Library: the number for August 92 adults 38 children, the summer reading program ended 8-27 and eight kids filled out the punch cards and all got a book we had 1 family came in to hear Dawn read on Tuesdays.
The Library has received a $500.00 donation from the Kiester Fire Relief Association in which we use for the summer reading and other promotion that we do for the kids. And it is really appreciated. We will have the adult reading program again this winter. We are planning on hosting an author event in the spring. If anyone knows of any groups, that would like to have a meeting spot. The library during open hours has a room and a coffee pot for use.
Liquor Store: Carol had asked about changing of the POS system. Part of the reasoning is that the sales figures are down from last August by $3000.00 and $ 42,000.00 for the year compared to last year. There was concern about the hours Carol was working, what a manager’s positions should have. One of the council members stated it comes down to how much is too much of a loss and what to do about it. The subject of THC came up, and the council was not sure that it would help for next year. They also made the comments that the liquor store should have had more promotions when things were going on in Kiester, Like Kiester days, Farming of Yesterday and hunting season. So at this time, they have chosen not to change POS systems.
Eda: Al reported that at their last meeting they voted to cash in their CD # 6273 when it matures and roll it over to a higher rate one. Celia was going to look into the grant programs that are out there for the Smithfield (hog buying station) that the city now owns. The monthly spotlight for August was postponed until September and will be at Brownies Plumbing & Heating. The Board has set everyone’s terms of when they will expire.
The clerk then had resolution 2024-13 authorizing the move of CD 6273 to a higher interest rate one. Motion by Jason Kluender Seconded by Larry Dahleen, vote 5-0, motion carried.
Public Comment: A resident from 8th street was there to express the fact that the smoke test was done 2 years ago and residents were just now notified. The mayor apologized as we were waiting for the state to get back to us to see if there were going to be any grant monies to help residents that have issues with their houses. Gary is waiting to see if Minnesota rural water will come and do push cameras on the affected properties for little or no cost to the city.
Ordinances: Chapter 90 Health and Safety Regulations. The council opted to waive the first reading and have a summary of the updated ordinance to be published before the public hearing that will be held on 10-14-2024. Motion by Hope Bauman seconded by Jason Kluender, vote 5-0, motion carried.
Maintenance: Sentence to serve was here to paint the sidewalks. Reminder of clean up day this weekend. On September 15, we can discharge the ponds before winter. The recycling building had the windows broke out of it. I filed a report with the Sheriff’s office. The Sheriff’s department will send trespassing letters to those who were seen at the Hog buying station and the recycling center. They have started the work on the outside of the Community Center and have come up with a way to change the entrance, so that is more on a slant than steps. Gary will get quotes for next year’s budget for the new lights and a drip ceiling at the Community Center, lighting for City Hall ass well as the library. Also, for new street banners. For the park, the fence is here for the horseshoe area. Gary was asked, if he had to talk to the KTTC group about the long grass and the grass clippings and the Pop cans. As there have been other complaints from residents again this month.
Clerk Update: The property on North street: David has informed me for the city to get the property back to an empty lot as it is classified would cost the city over $10,000.00. what would the council like to do. After a discussion, it was left undecided at this point.
We need to set the preliminary levy for 2025: the council set the preliminary budget for 10% and will work on getting that number down. The final budget will be set in December. Motion for a 10% increase by Hope Bauman seconded by Larry Dahleen Vote 5-0, motion carried.
The October meeting falls on Columbus/ Indigenous day. Does the City want to acknowledge this as a holiday or not? They chose not to take it as a federal holiday, therefore we will hold the regular council meeting on that October 14, 2024.
The November meeting falls on Veterans’ Day and will have to be moved. The council moved the meeting to Tuesday, November 12, 2024. We will start the meeting at 6:30 for the Liquor Store hearing and then hold the regular meeting after. The clerk is looking into when the city will have to certify the elections. She is hoping that it can be at the November meeting. If not, we will have to hold a special meeting.
Mayor Update: Chris from the Sheriff’s Office has been in contact for trunk and treat and will hold it again on a main street on 10- 31- 2024
The mayor then closed the regular meeting. For employee issues.
A motion to close the closed meeting by Kurt Grobe and seconded by Jason Kluender, Vote 5-0, motion carried.
The closed meeting
Motion to purchase a camera for the city office by Kurt Grobe, seconded by Hope Bauman. Vote 5-0, motion carried.
Adjournment: Motion to adjourn made by Brandon Hagenson and seconded by Jason Kluender. Vote 5-0, motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted by
Doris M Troll
City Clerk/ Treasurer