Monday, May 13, 2024
The Kiester City council held a regular meeting on Monday, May 13, 2024, at the Kiester Community Center.
Mayor Hope Bauman called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Council Members Present: Kurt Grobe, Brandon Hagenson, Jason Kluender. Larry Dahleen was absent. City Maintenance: Gary Skartland; City Clerk: Doris Troll; Members of the public: Katina Thrond, Carol Rinehart, Tasha Miller, Thomas Miller, Jenny Mace, Megan Terry, Jessica Green from Northland Securities and Jason Zinter from Bolton & Menk.
Agenda: Motion to accept agenda, with the omission of Jacob Peterson of Sheriffs Dept by Jason Kluender seconded by Kurt Grobe, vote 4-0 motion carried.
Northland Securities: Jessica Green was here to tell us about the bond sale. The rate that we were able to secure was 3.625%, which was less than the expected rate. We were able to use an AAA bond rating which is very good and that was with the help of the PFA (Public Facilities Authority) enhancement program that the city went with.
The following items the clerk wanted to the council to vote on that were in included in the council packets/
The Northland Agreement: Motion by Brandon Hagenson, seconded by Jason Klunder, vote 4-0, motion carried.
The Bond service agreement: Motion by Hope Bauman Seconded by Kurt Grobe, Vote 4-0, motion carried.
The extract of the May 13 minutes By Brandon Hagenson seconded by Jason Kluender, vote 4-0, motion carried.
Council minutes: motion to approve 3-11-2024, 4-8-2024,4-22-2024 work session and 5-7-24 special bond meeting minutes by Kurt Grobe, seconded by Jason Kluender, vote 4-0. Motion carried.
Claims: Motion to approve claims totaling $ 50,969.36 by Brandon Hagenson seconded by Hope Bauman, vote 4-0, motion carried.
Financials: Motion by Brandon Hagenson, seconded by Kurt Grobe. Vote 4-0, motion carried.
Past Due Water Billing: Motion to shut off on 5-28-24 if not paid, by Brandon Hagenson, seconded by Kurt Grobe, vote 4-0, motion carried.
Building Permits: Presented permits for J. Halverson, K. Beher, J. Elvebak, A. Mielke. Motion by Hope Bauman seconded by Jason Kluender to approve. Vote 4-0, Motion carried.
Kiester Gardner’s: Tammy Aadsen was present to inform the council that they are short members and cannot take care of the plants and flowers by the Kiester sign by the ambulance shed. They would like to pull some plants out to plant elsewhere. They were told to take what they wanted. They also requested to put some around the building at the park. They were told that the city wanted nothing planted near the building as it would create difficulties for mowing.
Kiester days requests: Tammy has requested that the city block off center street from main to 6th street on Friday June 21 for the car show. Motion by Brandon Hagenson seconded by Kurt Grobe, vote 4-0, motion carried. Shane was present from Berma’s requesting for Friday June 21, 2024, to use the picnic tables and to have the street blocked off for a street dance. As well as to have main street blocked off on Saturday June 22, 202. For a Bean Bag Tournament. Chris Adams was present to request to have the street blocked off on Saturday June 22, 2024, for a street dance. Motion by Jason Kluender seconded by Brandon Hagenson Vote 4-0, motion carried.
Narcotics Anonymous request: There was a group of people who have started an N/A group in the area and would like to use the community center/ fire hall. Their meetings would be on Thursday nights from 7 pm to around 8 pm, with some still having conversations after the meeting. They were told that they would have to set up and tear down the room for each meeting. The fire department should notify City Hall if they plan on using the building on a Thursday so the clerk can have the group make other arrangements. Motion to let them use the community center by Kurt Grobe seconded by Hope Bauman, vote 4-0, motion carried.
Ambulance: None
Fire Department: none.
Library: none
Liquor Store: Carol attended the MNMBA conference at the end of April and came back with many great ideas. She read an article written by Erick Luther from Marshall MN. About all this new information and where should you start. One take away from the conference she had was that the liquor store was also there to help the community. They are currently taking monetary as well as items for the animal shelter in Blue Earth. She is also working on advertising items for donations for the fire department. Carol was asked about the sales in May. She felt they were up over last year so far. Carol was surprised to have a $1000.00 day during the middle of the week. There was a small conversation around the new Hemp Derived beverage that has been coming out, and how other stores have been handling them. Carol was informed to get the clerk more information that may be passed along to the council.
Eda: Al reported on the States of CEDA grant the city had been awarded. They are still waiting for more information on how to handle it. Should it be just a grant to the business or a combination of grant and loan, and if the EDA should add money to offer a larger dollar amount? Smithfield Foods would like to turn over the city at the old hog buying station. When the city hass possession of it, there are grant monies for us to take it down and to help redevelop it.
Public Comment: There was a question when the street project would start and how it could affect the Kiester days parade? It should not affect it at all as the planned start date will be after Kiester days. Another resident asked now that there is no daycare at the corner of North and 2nd street could the stop sign be removed? The council said no as the day care may be gone. However, that is still a designated bus stop.
Maintenance: the county wide clean up date is Saturday May 18. The 2nd discharge of the ponds has been done, there will need to be another one. Gary was informed to let the crew working on The County road 2 bridge know when that is going to happen as it could affect their work.
Lead and copper samples have been sent and returned from the state with no issues. We will have one more round before they clear us. Hydrants will be discharged next week. The water fountain at the park need of being dug up for repairs and that should happen next week as well.
Gary was asked about the signage at the City Compost site. It should be done this week. Gary was also asked to get quotes for replacing the siding of the park bathroom, as the building has some significant damage done to it.
Clerk Update: After the conversations about the animal contract that was had at the work session, what decision would the council like to do? They asked the clerk to get more verification of the 2nd choice that was offered to the city. The clerk also reported the 2 houses that they wanted David to look into. David had requested ordinance information that we have on file, and we emailed that information back to him.
There was a call into the website creator as to getting some training as Dawn and the Clerk have both looked at it and are having issues trying to get it to work for us. Waste Management has contacted the city and would like us to go to all carts. They have a list of 50 people who are still on bagged service and they would like to get away from the bagged service. The clerk feels they are not picking up 50 bags a week. The council said they will address the issue at the time of the new contract.
Mayor Update: Hope has compiled a notice to the residents regarding the lawn mowing ordinance
Gary reported that, as of today, there were 13 houses that need to have the lawns mowed. Hope will have a meeting with the deputy that has Kiester coverage to help with the ordinances issues that we have.
Motion to adjourn made by Brandon Hagenson and seconded by Jason Kluender. Vote 4-0, motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted by
Doris M Troll
City Clerk/ Treasurer