Monday, March 11, 2024

The Kiester City council held a regular meeting on Monday, March 11, 2024, at the Kiester Community Center.

Mayor Hope Bauman called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Council Members Present: Larry Dahleen, Kurt Grobe, Brandon Hagenson, Jason Kluender. City Maintenance: Gary Skartland; City Clerk: Doris Troll; Members of the public: Marcia Dahleen, Katina Thrond, Carol Rinehart, Vickie Savic, Karen Busch, Al Bauman, Greg Burkhardt from Burkhardt & Burkhardt.

Agenda: Motion to accept agenda, by Jason Kluender seconded by Brandon Hagenson, vote 5-0 motion carried.

Audit Report: the City is in good shape as a whole. However the Liquor Store lost money again, Therefore the city will have to hold a hearing as weather to keep it open or to close it.

Council minutes: Motion to accept the February 12, 2024 and February 17, 2024 minutes by Brandon Hagenson seconded by Kurt Grobe, vote 5-0 motion carried.

Claims: Motion by Larry Dahleen seconded by Hope Bauman approving claims totaling $104,214.19, vote 5-0, motion carried.

Financials: Motion by Larry Dahleen, seconded by Brandon Hagenson, approving financials only after the CD balances have been corrected in Banyon. Vote 5-0, motion carried.

Past Due Water Billing: Motion to shut off on 3-26-24 if not paid by Jason Kluender, seconded by Brandon Hagenson, vote 5-0, motion carried.

Ambulance: None

Fire Department: none.

Library: February numbers were 70 adults with 7 kids. The winner of the Book in February was Hope Bauman. The adult book reading will go until March. Everyone entering the reading program will be entered in a drawing for a quilt that is donated by The Material Girls, Quilters Cottage and Marcia and Larry Dahleen. For Easter we will hold a ham drawing. Bevcomm and Farmers Coop donated the hams. Guess the number of Cathy Van Hove has donated her book “I’m Packing Insulin” A Journey of Living with Type 1 diabetes. She will also speak about her book on April, Thursday 25th at 6:00pm. We will be doing a Mother’s Day drawing for flowers again this year.

Liquor Store: Carol was up on legislative day at the capital and explained that they were looking to bring back the return bottle policy. They informed the legislators that this would be bad for everyone all around as the bottles will not get cleaned out before they are returned for credit. The Valentine promotion went well. There were people that stopped for alcohol and bought flowers or treats and those that stopped for flowers and treats and bought alcohol. We will run a special on Jameson Whiskey for St Patrick’s day. We will be doing a fundraiser with Coors Light again this year for the local fire department.

Eda: Last month the Business sport light was The Kee Kafe/Bummy’s BBQ. They had Jason from Bolton & Menk at their meeting to go over some ideas for the use of the old ball field. They Voted to reduce the Market Rent to $750.00 for the month of March. We have received a CEDA grant for $15,000.00 that we are considering using for exterior improvements. We are working with the owners of the Hog buying stations as they are willing to deed it over to the city. At that point, the city will get grant monies to help tear it down. We are getting estimated to demolish it once right now. They are talking $ 25,000.00 and would need to be tested for asbestos.

Public Comment: None

Maintenance: the snow fence is down, Gary has sent off quarterly water samples. There was an issue on Ringer street where there was pavement caving in. We had taken took at it. It has now been filled in with excess sand. I will discharge the pond next month. Gary was asked about the addition of lettering on the garage doors at the fire hall. He and Carol were working on it, as it was too windy and dusty.

Clerk Update:

Since not all council members were present at the special meeting on 3-17-2024 the clerk would like them to vote on the issue again of entering into a purchase agreement for the sale of the retail building. Motion to accept the purchase agreement by Brandon Hagenson seconded by Jason Kluender, vote 5-0, motion carried, There was a Fundt agreement for the council to approve for them to continue our legal service agreement. Motion to accept by Brandon Hagenson, seconded by Hope Bauman, Vote 5-0, motion carried.
There is a letter of engagement from Northland Securities that needs approving. This is the bonding company that we be using for the short- and long-term bonds for the infrastructure project. Motion to accept the agreement by Larry Dahleen seconded by Hope Bauman, vote 5-0, motion carried.

The clerk read resolution 2024-06 conveyance of real property owned by the City of Kiester (The retail building). To BSPR, LLC Motion to accept the sale by Jason Kluender seconded by Brandon Hagenson Vote 5-0, Motion carried. I will be gone from March 18 to March 25,2024 for clerks Conference is St. Cloud.

Mayor Update: there was none

Motion to adjourn made by Jason Kluender and seconded by Brandon Hagenson. Kurt Grobe. Vote 5-0, motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted by
Doris M Troll