Monday, August 12, 2024

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Monday, August 12, 2024

Monday, August 12, 2024

The Kiester City council held a regular meeting on Monday, August 12, 2024, at the Kiester Community Center.

Mayor Hope Bauman called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Council Members Present: Larry Dahleen, Kurt Grobe, Brandon Hagenson, Jason Kluender. City Maintenance: Gary Skartland; City Clerk: Doris Troll; Members of the public: Marsha Dahleen, Katina Thrond, Carol Rinehart, Dina Adams, Drew Rute and Chad Jamrozy from Rate Zero.

Agenda: Motion to accept agenda with the addition of a closed session by Brandon Hagenson seconded Jason Kluender by vote 4-0 motion carried.

Council minutes: motion to approve 7-8-2024 meeting minutes by Hope Bauman, seconded by Jason Kluender, vote 4-0. Motion carried.

Claims: Motion to approve claims totaling $75,044.28 by Brandon Hagenson seconded by Larry Dahleen Bauman vote 5-0, motion carried.

Financials: Motion to approve financials by Larry Dahleen, seconded by Brandon Hagenson. Vote 5-0, motion carried.

Past Due Water Billing: Motion to shut off on 7-26-2024if not paid, by Jason Kluender, seconded by Kurt Grobe, vote 5-0, motion carried.

Building Permits: Presented permits for J Oakason, M Elvebak, L Dahleen. Motion by Hope Bauman Seconded by Brandon Hagenson to approve. Vote 4-0, Motion carried.

Ambulance: Gary has moved the door over in the ambulance garage to accommodate the new shower will installed in the next weeks.

Fire Department: Both Fire trucks are legal for another year.

Library: July numbers were 81 adults 23 kids. Author Sherrie Hansen was here and spoke to 17 people. The Officers for the Library for 2025 are President Dawn Flaskerud, Treasurer Marcia Dahleen, Secretary Lorie Korn , Jill Skartland as secretary fill in. Rock painting was done for National Night out where 8 kids took part.
The summer reading program ends 8-22-24. We are looking into having another author event in the spring.

Liquor Store: Drew Rute was here to present to the council a Point of Sale System that will not cost the city this would be replacing the square system and the processing credit card processing fees. The benefits to the city would be that the credit cards fees would be passed on to the customers. We would have state-of-the-art up-to-date hardware and software. As well as personal service. Larry was going to contact others that have been using this system to see what they thought. This issue will be tabled until next month.

Eda: no report
Public Comment: It was asked about a fall clean up day;

The council has bids for $ 675.00 for 3 dumpsters that has a discount applied to the cost.
The old Simonson shop can be used again as Gary has talked to the owner. They dates and times will be form
Friday Sept 13, 2024, from 4 m to 6 pm and Saturday September 14 from 8 am to 11 am.

It was also asked about budgets, have the departments given information to the city as to what they want for next year. Yes, information has been given to each department and they are working on it.

I N I: there was a draft of a letter that we would to send to the residents that have failed the smoke test meaning they have water seeping into the sewer system that should not be. The council adjusted the letter to give deadlines as to when the residents will have to have a plan set up with the city. And also to have them contact Gary to have him show where the issue are. Gary will check with MN Rural Water to see if they will be able to camera from the city side to the resident side.

Maintenance: Gary has finished discharging the ponds for the time frame given. He called MPCA to see if he can continue to discharge to get the ponds lower with all the rain that we have had. They told him that would be ok just to make sure that it is documented.
They are planning on removing the rest of the trees that need to me removed for the infrastructure project should be done this fall. Hope had asked how long that the woodchips would be laying in the yards.

While they were digging up the sewer line on the south end of 8th street they found 2 different tile lines that were tied to the sewer line.

Kapplinger street. In front of the Aukes house there was a leak that had copper line that had developed a whole in it and the line had to be replaced all the way to the curb stop. The 3rd street leak was repaired by the apartment building.Andy finished the 10 inch tile out east of county road 2 and found that 2 or 3 connections were tied into the main line.Gary was asked about the park fence for the Horseshoe area. He was going to go and order it this week.

Clerk Update: none

Mayor Update: National night out had around 60 people show up, which was a good turn out for the first one.

Hope had a message from Bruce Thistad to call Eva he also stated that it would be cheaper for the city to have a building than to contract with county. The council felt that after the insurance on the building and the licensing that we would have to get it would be about a wash, so they decided to leave as is.

The mayor then closed the meeting.

The closed meeting was adjourned

Adjournment: Motion to adjourn made by Jason Kluender and seconded by Brandon Hagenson. Vote 5-0, motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted by
Doris M Troll
City Clerk/ Treasurer

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