Monday, September 25, 2023
The Kiester City council held a regular meeting on Monday, September 25, 2023, at the Kiester Community Center.
Mayor: Hope Bauman called the meeting to order at 7 pm Council Members Present: Larry Dahleen, Kurt Grobe, Brandon Hagenson, late to the meeting, was Jason Kluender. City Staff: Clerk: Doris Troll and Maintenance: Gary Skartland were present. Public present: Marcia Dahleen, Randi Duchene, Al Bauman, Mark Griffith, Vickie Savick, Bruce Thisted, Adrianne Bryan, Piper Bryan.
Agenda: Motion to accept agenda, by Hope Bauman, seconded by Larry Dahleen. vote 4-0, motion carried.
Approval of Minutes: Motion to approve by Brandon Hagenson, seconded by Kurt Grobe, Vote 4-0, motion carried.
Claims: Motion by Larry Dahleen seconded by Brandon Hagenson, approving claims totaling $ 27,997.75, Vote of 4-0 motion carried.
Ambulance: Randi Duchene was present to request a 7% increase for the ambulance PERA effective 1-1-2024. Motion by Larry Dahleen seconded by Brandon Hagenson, Vote 3-0, motion carried with Hope Bauman abstaining.
Mark Griffith from South Central EMS, was present to inform the council that there are problems with in the ambulance as far as morale is concerned and for the lack of people to recruit with an interest. There will be going out a 3-month push by the region to help with the recruiting. Mark will also be working with the squad to work through the morale issues.
Fire Department: Brandon asked if the city was going to contribute to the Fire Relief Assoc. They will have to look to see if there is something that can be done. It was noted that the Fire department has not come and asked the council.
EDA: They meet tomorrow, and the monthly business spotlight will be at the Kee theatre. We will complete the brochures for new residents. We are going over the bids for a new website that we will present to the council. Gary and Larry replaced lights in the Market coolers. They are also getting quotes for new units on the roofs. But for now, the EDA is going to repair as needed, putting new units in future budgets. They are also getting bids for the dairy cooler lights. They are still one member short. The council asked the following.
Questions. When does the EDA meet? The fourth Tuesday of the month at 6 pm at City Hall. And have the thought about adding coupons to the brochure they are creating. It will be something they can talk about at the next meeting.
Note that Jason Kluender came in during the Eda report.
Liquor Store: none
Library: the numbers for July were 79 adults 27 children, August numbers were 102 adults and 32 children, there was also a trivia game for the kids where they got a cold treat. The adult trivia will end this week with the prize of 2 gift certificates for Conger Meat. On Oct 26, Mary Perrine will be at the library for a book signing. She will stay at Urstad House. Quilters Cottage will have a retreat at the end of October at the Library.
Public Comment: Are there policies for smoking on city property? Yes, it’s a state law, not in the buildings and the parking lots or sidewalks that are owned by the city. As they have seen people smoking on the sidewalks.
There was a resident that was to have the water shut off on the 26th come and request until to Friday to pay the bill. Motion by Hope Bauman seconded by Kurt Grobe to extend the shut off date. Vote 5-0, motion carried.
Animal Control: We had a cat that was caught and then died, so I sent it out for testing. The results of the came back negative. Bruce has found a farm in Scarville, IA. that is looking for cats and will transport the strays to them. He has also set up a Paw for a Cause micro-chipping event to take place on 10-28. The cost to residents is $10.00 per animal. It was discussed where we could the event as the firehall will be unavailable. They will set up for their breakfast. It was determined that the Kiester ambulance garage would work fine. We can also hold a licensing event at the same time. Bruce has found temporary accommodations for the stray cats. Motion to use the ambulance garage for the Paws of Cause event by Brandon Hagenson, seconded by Kurt Grobe. Vote 5-0, motion carried.
Building Permits. Motion by Hope Bauman seconded by Larry Dahleen to approve permits for
C. Wilde and D Nickelson. Vote 5-0, motion carried.
Budget Talks: the council set the preliminary budget for 10% and will work on getting that number down..
The final budget will be set in December. Motion for a 10% increase by Brandon Hagenson seconded by Hope Bauman. Vote 5-0, motion carried.
Maintenance report: Minnesota Rural Water as asking if we would like to host a training event next fall. The council told Gary that that would be ok. Gary reported that in October he will shut the water off in the park, as well as flushing hydrants. There was a discussion as to getting dumpsters for clean up day. It was determined that we will get 3 for this year and see what the turnout is for next year. Gary will be out of the office on October 4 and 5th, for ambulance recertifications.
Clean up day: How many do we want? Dulas will give us a 10% for over 3. The date they picked was Oct 27 for 4pm to 6pm and Saturday from 8 am noon. The location was discussed and the Old John deere building east of town is our first choice, or second choice would be the ambulance garage. On 10-27, 2023 from 4pm to 6 pm and on 10-28-2023 from 8 to 12. Hope will get a flyer to the clerk for posting on Facebook and the website.
We will just post social media and posters. They determined they would ask for use from the old John Deere Lot. The second choice will be at the ambulance garage.
Clerk Update: The clerk gave an update of the workshop she went to. 1 all lead and galvanized pipes will have to be removed from all homes by state law. We are holding off on this issue as we have filed out a grant for this to have each house inspected and repaired during the infrastructure project. 2. Minnesota Rural Water has helped with mapping and getting an inventory of all the piping and hydrants, curb stops. To help with budget management when we have to replace everything and to help with costs. The clerk did the first reading of ordinance 2023 -09 and 2023-10 setting fees. The clerk will also be out of the office on Oct 4 and 5, also for her ambulance recertification.
Mayor Update: Hope has contacted Peggy Bennett. They discussed the condition of Hwy 22. Peggy said she would have the district engineer drive Highway 22 to reevaluate its condition. She will reconnect with hope in a few weeks.
Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Jason Kluender, seconded by Brandon Hagenson. Vote 4-0, motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted by
Doris M Troll
City Clerk /Treasurer