Monday, March 13, 2023
The Kiester City council held a regular meeting on Monday, March 13, 2023, at the Kiester Community Center.
Mayor Doug Trytten called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Council Members Present: Hope Bauman, Larry Dahleen, Brandon Hagenson, Jason Kluender. City Maintenance: Gary Skartland; City Clerk: Doris Troll; Members from the public: Marcia Dahleen, Al Bauman, Jacob Trytten, Nicole Roseberg, Carol Rinehart.
Audit Report: Greg Burkhart gave the audit report to the council.
Council minutes: Motion to accept the February 13th, 2023, and the February 27, 2023 minutes by Hope Bauman seconded by Brandon Hagenson, vote 5-0 motion carried.
Claims: Motion by Larry Dahleen seconded by Hope Bauman approving claims totaling $ 138,914.98 Vote of 5-0 motion carried.
Financials: Motion by Brandon Hagensen, seconded by Larry Dahleen, approving financials as presented. Vote 5-0, motion carried.
Past Due Water Billing: Motion to shut off on a1-25-2023 if not paid by Brandon Hagenson, Seconded by Jason Kluender Vote 5-0, motion carried.
Ambulance: none
Fire Department: They had an inspection for Iso which will affect the homeowner’s insurance on residents.
So when they call again, we need to have a firefighter go down though the equipment with them as they missed a lot. Now we are going through an appeal. Motion to accept report by Hope Bauman seconded by Larry Dahleen.
Library: none
Liquor Store: Carol is glad to hear we are in the black for 2022.. The newspaper stands outside of the liquor store has not been serviced in months. When I call the paper, they say we will send someone down to get it and they never get it done. Could we have Gary remove them from the front of the store? The MMBA conference is from April 29 to the 2nd and I will be attending. Carol, Tina, and Michelle went to the State Capital for legislation day. The purpose of the trip was to voice their opinions as to the cannabis in drinks, as of now the municipals cannot sell them.
EDA: Al reported the EDA was working on updating leases for everyone, as they were not up to date. They are also working on a mission statement. There is one past due rent, and I sent a letter to them. Brandon Talked to the lawyer, was told that the city did not have to put bids out to the public. However, it is best to do so.
Public Comment: The work comp payments is there a reason they can’t stay in the general fund like budgeted for instead of changing the budget for the year. If we move the payment to the departments now, it will give them a better view of where they are sitting. Otherwise, the auditors will just make entries.
Maintenance Report: There was a representative that came and propped for the underground tank. They feel it was approximately 16 x17’x7″. There is about 30 ” of water and discolored ness. They will let Gary know when they are coming down to pull it out. Braun ws here week for the soil samplings for the infrastructure project. They went done about 20 feet in several spots. Gary met with Bevcomm and their contractors to review the Bevcomm and Gary and their contractor went over plans for them to lie off the fiber optic lines to bring the line from the street to the house. Gary was asked if Bolton & Menk had to meet with the elevator? He had, and the plan is still to get started this summer. Motion by Hope Bauman Seconded by Larry Dahleen to accept the report vote 50, motion carried.
Clerk Update: I had resent the agreement to everyone for the infrastructure project as they are now needing a signature on it. I have appointments coming up this week and next, then the following I will have surgery.
Mayor Update: Finish my 3rd cycle chemo so hopefully things will get better.
Motion to accept mayor’s report by Brandon Hagenson seconded by Larry Dahleen, vote 5-0 motion carried,
Adjournment: Motion by Jason Kluender seconded by Brandon Hagenson. Vote 5-0 motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted by
Doris M Troll
City Clerk/ Treasurer