Monday, April 24,2023
The Kiester City council held a regular meeting on Monday, April 24, 2023, at the Kiester Community Center.
Mayor Doug Trytten called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Council Members Present: Hope Bauman, Jason Kluender, Brandon Hagenson, Larry Dahleen was absent.
City Staff: City Clerk: Doris Troll Maintenance Gary Skartland Public, Vickie Savick, Karen Busch, Rich Goggin, Judy Goggin, Sylvia Halverson, Jacob Trytten
Agenda: Motion to accept agenda. Hope Bauman, seconded by Jason Kluender, 4-0 motion carried.
Approval of Minutes: Motion to approve with corrections by Brandon Hagenson Seconded by Hope Bauman, Vote 4-0, motion carried.
Claims: Motion by Jason Kluender, seconded by Brandon Hagenson, approving claims totaling
$33,580.05 Vote of 4-0 motion carried.
Active Living Group: Sylvia asked if the city would allow the Farmers Market to use the Grocery Store parking lot again this year on Tuesday’s from 4 to 6 pm. Motion to let the Farmers Market use the Grocery Store parking lot by Brandon Hagenson, Second by Jason Kluender, Vote 4-0, motion carried.
Building Permits: Motion to approve building permits for A. Bauman, G Nelson, F Moga by Jason Kluender, Seconded by Brandon Hagenson, Vote 3-0, with Hope abstaining, motion carried.
Ambulance: None
Fire Department: None
Library: They will host a book signing on Saturday June 10, 2023 from noon to 3 pm and would like the street blocked off for them to have a tent and chairs for the event. They would like to have the street blocked off from the corner of W Roberts to past the Library. Motion to let the street be blocked off by Jason Kluender, seconded by Brandon Hagensen. Vote 4-0. Motion carried.
Liquor Store: Karen Busch gave the update. Everything is going well at the liquor store. There was an issue with the beer cooler that Fountain had to be called on to repair. Motion to accept the Liquor Store report by Jason Kleunder Seconded by Brandon Hagenson. Vote 4-0. Motion carried.
EDA: None
Public Comment: None
Maintenance report: USC will have a group of students come on the next week to help with cleaning of the park. The Christmas banners are down,. I did some street sweeping. I am working on the 3rd round of pond discharging next week., The snow fence will come down. within the next few weeks,
Motion accept report by Hope Bauman Seconded by Jason Kluender, Vote, 4-0, motion carried.
Clerk Update: An update on the ambulance CD was rolled over.. The reading of the ordinances 2023-04 was done. I will publish them in the paper. The second reading will take place on May 8, 2023, for approval. The clerk then went over the fee list resolution. A motion by Hope Bauman to approve the fees seconded by Jason Kluender, Vote 3-0 with no vote given from Mayor Trytten, motion carried.
Mayor Update: Is setting up a citizens’ group headed up by Bruce Thisted to help deal with the feral cats in the community. If anyone is interested, please contact Doug or Bruce.. Kiester days in Parade, we are having 2 sets of grand marshals. The first is the drill squad that marches for the Legion. The seconded group is going to be the 1973 track team that was won state 50 years ago. The events are now being posted. There will be raffle tickets for sale as well. I am getting ready for my third round of Chemo in the next weeks. It there is a motion to accept the mayor’s report and the clerk’s report. Motion by Brandon Hagenson second by Jason Kluender vote 4-0. Motion carried.
Motion to adjourn made by Jason Kluender seconded by Brandon Hagenson Vote 4-0, motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted by
Doris M Troll
City Clerk/ Treasurer