Monday, October 10,2022
The Kiester City council held a regular meeting on Monday, October 10, 2022, at the Kiester Community Center.
Mayor Rich Goggin called the meeting to order to order at 7:00 pm. Council Members Present: Larry Dahleen, Jason Kluender, Brandon Hagenson, came in late. Hope Bauman was absent City Staff: City Clerk: Doris Troll; Maintenance Gary Skartland Members from the Public: Marcia Dahleen, Judy Goggin, Katina Thrond, Carol Rinehart.
Agenda: Motion to accept agenda, by Jason Kluender seconded by Larry Dahleen, vote 3-0 motion carried.
Council minutes: Motion to accept the September 12, 2022 regular meeting minutes and the September 26, 2022 meeting minutes. By Jason Kluender, seconded by Rich Goggin, Vote 3-0, motion
Claims: Motion by Larry Dahleen seconded by Brandon Hagenson approving claims totaling $ 84,105.20 Vote of 4-0 motion carried.
Financials: Motion by Larry Dahleen, seconded by Jason Kluender approving financials as presented. Vote 4-0, motion carried.
Past Due Water Billing: Motion to shut off on 10-25-2002 if not paid by Brandon Hagenson, seconded by Jason Kluender Vote 4-0, motion carried.
Building Permits. Motion to approve building permits, Gurung, by Brandon Hagenson Seconded Rich Goggin. Vote 4-0, motion carried.
Ambulance: None.
Fire Department: None
Library: Judy Goggin reported that the attendance for the library was 127 in July, 163 in August, and 73 in September. The book signing will be on Sept 20, 2022. We are having a pumpkin decorating contest, a turkey giveaway in November. And we will serve coffee and treats on Saturday mornings.
Liquor Store: Vickie Savick has turned in her resignation.
Motion by Brandon Hagenson, seconded by Larry Dahleen to accept her notice. Vote 4-0 motion carried.
Carol would like to hire Michele Alphs, pending a background check. Motion by Brandon Hagenson seconded by Rich Goggin, vote 4-0 motion carried. They have sold Locher Brothers do Dahleimer, Beer prices are going up Still am having some giveaways, Going to be running a special during hunting opener.
EDA: none
Public Comment: none
Budget: the council reviewed the general budget line by line.
Maintenance Report: They had a conversation as to the door handles at the community center for the new door. The gables at City Hall and the Library have been restrained and when the lift gets back the back of the building will be done. Hoping for rain to sweep up the leaves. There are issues with the city hall furnace, the fan was stuck, then it wont light right away so I will be keeping an eye on it,.
Clerk Update: Just working on budget. Starting to thinking about year end. We will holding the liquor store hearing next month. We need to talk about Water rates, raises for staff. And medical insurance.
Mayor Update: Forming a committee for his reviews, and to form another one for the ordinance violations and Rich felt it should be him and Hope.
Motion to adjourn made by Jason Kluender seconded by Brandon Hagenson Vote 4-0, motion
Respectfully Submitted by
Doris M Troll
City Clerk/ Treasurer