Monday, March 14, 2022
The Kiester City council held a regular meeting on Monday, March 14, 2022, at the Kiester Community Center.
Mayor Rich Goggin called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Council Members Present: Jason Kluender, Brandon Hagenson; Larry Dahleen, Hope Bauman. City Maintenance: Gary Skartland; City Clerk: Doris Troll; Members from the public: Marsha Dahleen, Judy Goggin, Carol Rinehart, Dawn Flaskerud, Al Bauman.
Audit Report: Paul Burkhardt presented the 2021 audit report. Motion by Hope Bauman Seconded by Jason Kluender to accept the report as presented.
Agenda: Motion to accept agenda, by Hope Bauman, seconded by Rich Goggin, vote 5-0 motion carried.
Council minutes: Motion to accept the February 14, 2022 Public Hearing and February 14, 2022 regular meeting minutes with corrections by Brandon Hagenson, seconded by Hope Bauman, vote 5-0 motion carried.
Claims: Motion by Hope Baumann seconded by Brandon Hagenson approving claims totaling $ 83,416.27 Vote of 5-0 motion carried.
Financials: Motion by Larry Dahlen, seconded by Brandon Hagenson, approving financials as presented. Vote 5-0, motion carried.
Past Due Water Billing: Motion to shut off on 2-21-2022 if not paid by Brandon Hagenson, Seconded by Jason Kluender Vote 5-0, motion carried
Ambulance: Motion to accept a resignation from Lisa Sunding by Brandon Hagenson with regret. Second, by the Rich Goggin vote, 3-0 motion carried. Goggin and Baumann abstaining. The council thanked Lisa for her time that she volunteered.
Fire Department: Motion to accept a resignation from Chastin Allen with regret by Brandon Hagenson, seconded by Jason Kluender, vote 4-0, motion carried. Hagenson abstaining. The council thanked Chastin for his time in the fire department.
Library: there were 73 people in the library in January and 69 in February. We checked more books out in February. Marsha and Judy terms are up in June for the Library board and Dawn would like to have to both be appointed to fill another term. Motion by Rich Goggin to appoint Judy Goggin and Marsha Dahleen to the Library board, Seconded by Hope Bauman Vote 3-0. Goggin and Dahleen abstaining.
Liquor Store: Carol would like to Tina with her to MMBA conference the first part of May.
Public Comment: One resident would like to have flowers out by the liquor store, as well as something along main street, like awnings above the windows on the retail center.
Community Center Rent: With the community center has been redone, the council feels the rental rates should increase along with different rules for renting it out. They Have decided on $100.00 for rent and $100.00 for deposit. Motion by Hope Baumann seconded by Larry Dahleen. Vote 5-0, motion carried.
Letter to Citizens regarding the Kiester Market: A letter was presented to explain the city’s side of the market situation and to encourage residents to help by shopping there. After a discussion, it was determined that the city would not mail out letters to all residents because of the extra cost. However, there was a discussion as to publishing it in the paper. Motion to mail letters to each homeowner by Rich Goggin, seconded by Larry Dahleen, vote 2-3 motion does not carry. Letters will not be mailed out.
Clerk Update: we are still waiting for the lawyer to draw up the lease for the Big freezer.
Vickie Savick has turned in her resignation from the EDA board. The council thanked her for her service with a motion to accept the resignation by Rich Goggin and seconded by Brandon Hagenson, vote 5-0. Motion carried.
The Kiester Legion has approached the city and if they city would be willing to take $1000.00 from the legion to apply to the Market group electric bill. After emails from the lawyer and the auditors, the council took no action on this matter.
The warranty is up on the John Deere Mower. The clerk is still working on items that are needed for the grants.
We need to pass a resolution on to the polling place for 2022 now that all the redistricting has been done.
Motion to pass the voting place as Brandon Hagenson made the Kiester Community Center/ Fire Hall, seconded by Rich Goggin, vote 5-0, motion carried.
Maintenance Report: We received a letter from the Department of Health regarding the wellhead protection plan that we have in place. They will come down this summer to inspect. It that time of year that we start patching pot holes again.
Mayor Update: none.
Motion to adjourn made by Jason Kluender and seconded by Brandon Hagenson. Vote 5-0, motion carried Mayor Goggin adjourned the meeting.
Respectfully Submitted by
Doris M Troll
City Clerk/ Treasurer